
How should I house my turtles? About turtle keeping cases

Buzzlife kobayashi

Let’s take a closer look at the perfect home for our shelled little friends: the breeding case.

When keeping turtles, it is very important to create a comfortable living space for them.
So let’s learn together how to design a keeping case for your turtle species.

Aquarium for aquatic turtles

1.Spacious tank: Aquatic turtles require a tank with ample space. Ideally, it should be 10 times the length of the turtle’s shell. This space allows the turtles to swim freely and reduces stress.

2. water quality control: A filter system is essential because turtles have a tendency to pollute the water. Filters keep the water clean by removing food scraps and excretions. Remember to change the water regularly.

3. importance of a land area: It is important to provide a land area in the tank for the turtles to sunbathe and rest. This area should be slightly above the water surface and easily accessible to the turtles.

4. proper temperature and lighting: Aquatic turtles require proper water temperature and UVB lighting. Water temperature varies by species, but generally 22-28°C (72-86°F) is desirable; UVB lighting is important for vitamin D synthesis in turtles.

Terrarium for terrestrial turtles

  1. Spacious terrarium: Terrestrial turtles need a large terrarium that provides ample room for exercise. Choose a bedding material that is suitable for digging and hiding.
  2. Temperature and humidity control: Terrestrial turtles require specific temperature and humidity requirements. Temperatures vary by species, but generally a range of 24-30°C is appropriate. Humidity also varies by species and should be controlled using a thermo-hygrometer.
  3. Install UVB lighting: UVB lighting is also very important for terrestrial turtles. This helps them synthesize vitamin D and absorb calcium

Common Points

Adjustment of the case to accommodate growth

  • Adapt to changes in size: Turtles change their body size considerably as they grow. Young turtles, in particular, can grow rapidly, and their holding cases need to be increased in size periodically.
  • The importance of space: without adequate space, turtles are easily stressed, which can negatively affect their health. Space for exercise promotes active movement and health in turtles.

Maintaining a clean environment

  • Regular cleaning: The interior of the case should be cleaned on a regular basis. This includes changing the flooring material, changing the water in the tank, and cleaning the filter.
  • Reduced health risks: A clean environment helps reduce a variety of health risks, including skin and shell problems and respiratory diseases in turtles.

Escape Prevention Measures

  • Secure design: The case must be well designed so that the turtle cannot escape. In particular, the lid must be able to close securely and not be opened by the turtle.
  • Environmental adjustments: Turtles may attempt to escape for a variety of reasons. The environment may be uncomfortable or they may be curious. Maintaining an appropriate housing environment can reduce the risk of escape.


When choosing a case for your turtle, it is important to understand the species and needs of your turtle.
With the right environment, turtles can lead happy and healthy lives.

Remember, turtles are long-lived pets and require long-term care.

We hope this guide has been beneficial to you and your turtle.
